Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Narcissus' Love Song [biogenerated poetry]

 Narcissus’ Love Song

I thought I made you up inside my head

But now, you’re dead, so all the dice

Roll to a stop

The surface escapes

I am lying in a pool of my own blood

The sky is falling 

Like a shattered mirror

The shards reflecting stars

Collapsing in on me

I thought I made you up inside my head

I thought I might release you

Empty you from your essential heaven

And barricade you with mortar and stone

Before I become you

But if I do we both might disappear

Monday, September 2, 2024

Killing Time [biogenerated poetry]

 Killing Time

Time skitters


Shameful to say

I feel like 

I’m killing time

And sometimes wonder

Why i’m tethered to this world



Tethered to time

Returning the favor

Killing me softly

With its song

Running my whole life

Through the threshing wheel

Killing me slowly

With its long tendrils

Running a string down my spine

Killing me gently

Without remorse

I am 

Myself again

Whole again

New again

The sun rises

We join hands

& kill each other


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Demoralizing Poem [spoken word, biogenerated]

 A Demoralizing Poem

Show me a demoralizing poem. I’m sick of being inspired. I’ve had just about all the inspiration I can stomach for one lifetime. I want to wallow in something hopeless. Give me death or give me liberty (at least) from flower poems and self-actualization. I want Sylvia Plath to rip my heart out. Show me the depravity of this world. The shocking cruelty of it all. The base nature that can erupt from each and every one of us given the proper circumstances. Show me our ravenous greed. I want truth, not beauty. Those who confuse beauty and truth become fascists. Always appealing to a singular standard. Always reducing everyone to an ideal.

If you’re not familiar, let me welcome you to the truth. The world is filled with passive order followers who will torture and murder on the word of authority. Fuck human nature and anything that glorifies it. Show me some self-loathing to build character. Fuck your confidence. It’s overrated. Wallow in agony and I’ll see your truth. 

Whatever doesn’t kill you

Brings you closer to death

& closer still

We fall into survival processing

Anxiety-driven impulses

That drive up our blood pressure

Leading to heart failure

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I Love You to Death [biogenerated poem]

 I Love You to Death

When male and female anglerfish mate, the male angelfish latches onto the female and is slowly absorbed into her body until the two form a single bloodstream. 

If I had a womb, I would put you inside of it

Let you fester deep within me

Behold my death, it’s glory casting rivulets

Of blood from your wrists

And me drinking every bit of your thirst

Like a lying enemy who isn’t where he appears

I am in two places at once now

In front of you and behind you

You are suffocating perfectly

In a perfect sympathy 

From which your lips

Purse enigmatically and I

Put my ear in a box until

All of your dreams come true

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Curse [biogenerated poetry]

 The Curse

I am 

piece by piece

to pieces

a piece a part

of me

Yearning to be whole 

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Girl with Imaginary Eyes [biogenerated poetry]

 The Girl with Imaginary Eyes

She couldn’t help

But always be naked

It was in her

To never rhyme

But always reason

Her way out of a rhythm

And when she walked

It was always sideways

Blinking at the starlight

I met her when

The world was still young

The sun had yet to meet the moon

The stars were pulsing 

to the rhythm of the first song

And Night had just been born

And she sputtered starlight

Through her eyes, bright with seeing

To anchor the shame to a far away shore

Untouched as yet by dusk or dawn

We matched rhythms in the twilight

Of undifferentiated energy

And bundled ourselves

Into twisted knots

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Stomach Bug [bio-generated poetry, CW: skat]

 Stomach Bug 

I knew it was over

When I started blowing

dry farts into the toilet

When you have the stomach flu

You must exercise extreme caution

With every fart lest you be doing laundry

To rid your pants of shit

Every fart is a possible landmine of gooey butt sludge

You'll run out of pants if you're not careful

Farts, usually heralding a comfortable satisfied feeling, 

Are now your enemy

Yes, stomach flus can turn once beloved friends into enemies

That is the true evil behind its power

It completely destroys your ability to function

As a social being

Nobody wants to be around a shit pants man

And there’s no telling when that bell’s about to ring

So hunker down shitty fellow

And brace yourself for a lonely night

Of writing obscene poetry

For relief

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Beware of Narratives [bio-generated poetry]

 Beware of Narratives

Beware of narratives

They arrange the truth to form a fiction

They just want to produce a feeling

Narratives are drugs

To elicit emotions 

In a tactical fashion

Narratives have more agency

Than men

Who fall to the siren song

& the gentle play of emotions

Like musical notes in an orchestra

Levying your allegiance 

Slowly lowering your resistance

Flowing into a melody it lures you

To believe yourself behind until

You’re seeing everything from a single lens

And there you have it

The narrative has more agency

Than the believer

Why do they choose forgetting? [biogenerated haiku]

 Why do they choose forgetting?

All I remember 

Nothing compares to whatever

it takes to forget 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Facing the Page [biogenerated poetry]

 Facing the Page

I face the page again

A dire consequence of my obsession

To see something reflected in these lines

That resonates with a reader

I face the page again to connect with myself

Along with others who may vaguely understand

The troubled musings of a liquidated author

Who eats allegories for breakfast

And shits run on sentences in the form of poetry

And cruelly mocks the rules of English grammar

In favor of a discordant melody

Which winds out of time

To its own drumbeat

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Disturbing Power of Faith [biogenerated poem]

 The Disturbing Power of Faith

The devastating thing about it was

Just how quickly it came 

in fits of blue-collar rage

It stormed in, hostile and enthusiastic

Filled with the venom of God

Virile in its arrogance

And completely devoid of reason

It built a specter out of fear

Starting with immigrants

Make America Puritan

A white abstraction

Thinly coded in nationalism

Red ties made a noose

Around the future

And self-preservation took an insidious turn

Toward the worst impulses of the ego

The kinds that revel in cruelty

Punishers are of the devil’s party

Functionally speaking, the devil punishes the wicked

Or so the story goes off into a war with heaven 

and a battle for souls

When you operate on Christian nationalism

Even reality is a lie in the hands of a believer

You can believe reality straight into being

This is the ultimate secret understanding

We are the imagination of ourselves

Our lies lay the foundation of the Truth

This is the Language of Eden

This is their ultimate power

Faith is a form of magick

To access it, you must sever logic and reason

Sever caution and nurture certainty

And watch them line up behind

Whichever dog barks the loudest

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Grandma [previously published on Base Infinity]


at the root of silence. paused a powder. rolling backward over the gutter. & dissolved in anOther’s eyes. & a chest secretly envied the outer lining of a gray suit. would disturb the body. scabbing toward her own throat and rolled out at moonlight. 

all stopped atop the promise of dust (itself seemed) silent since your vein is wound on time. that crept into what i will call you.

we are masquerading as plucked blossoms. I sleep beneath the blanket you crocheted. I know i feel warmth. 

well i'm going to down and up like you stared at God and loaded the bowels of compassion from her nightstand.

the way her bladder empties out & how jesus will swallow the puffy cushions of a comfortable wrath.

the length of god could smell gastric juice.

set in biology

my body could teach me

that sins overlap and imagine

we pass that gleam of lOve

yOu escape through

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gallabrielle Gold [n-gram, dada poem]

 Gallabrielle Gold

Fetishize your essence

Until your hair turns white

And your lips fall off

And your teeth grow teeth of their own

For which to bite down on your tired heart

Until you expand into a pretty knot

& blow

Prometheus’ Lament [biogenerated poetry]

 Prometheus’ Lament

Time vivisects me

I am one with the seething of the sun

Come with me

It is lonely here

There is no way out

Let me spill out of this place

Let me swim toward my salvation

Beckoning with perfect grace

My grim regards

My pleasure

To dance with the devil tonight

To spill into a soft warm womb

And reflect the midnight of creation

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Depression Poem [biogenerated poetry]

 Depression Poem

Behold, a surface devoid of depth

Tears are irrelevant

They require energy

I can only pass time

Slowly, like the turning

Of the earth

Spins out of habit

And I cling to a past

Where hope heralded a reason

To move

Time is your enemy, now

Watch as it unfolds another minute

Sinking deeper

Into your own eyes

Closing to the rhythm 

Of the rain

Comes down in sheets now

Mocking your lack of tears

Oh, Comforter

Where is your comfort?

I never meant for it to be like this

I never meant

You have to eat the pieces

That shatter into existence

When you reflect back on yourself

Eat your own guts

Tangled in a knot

Before you can see the flowers

Rising from the rain

You have to chew your own lips

Bite your teeth

Taste your tongue

Before one second of this moment

Crashes through the sky 

To remind you

You are there

You are there

And the rhythm of your heartbeat

Lurches for a drum

Bridling desire in its own

Red essence

The forgotten throbbing of pain

It’s on days like today

Days that fling themselves into existence

Days that drum slow and sad to the melancholy

Throb of heartpain

That I think death could be as good a friend

As sleep