Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gallabrielle Gold [n-gram, dada poem]

 Gallabrielle Gold

Fetishize your essence

Until your hair turns white

And your lips fall off

And your teeth grow teeth of their own

For which to bite down on your tired heart

Until you expand into a pretty knot

& blow

Prometheus’ Lament [biogenerated poetry]

 Prometheus’ Lament

Time vivisects me

I am one with the seething of the sun

Come with me

It is lonely here

There is no way out

Let me spill out of this place

Let me swim toward my salvation

Beckoning with perfect grace

My grim regards

My pleasure

To dance with the devil tonight

To spill into a soft warm womb

And reflect the midnight of creation

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Depression Poem [biogenerated poetry]

 Depression Poem

Behold, a surface devoid of depth

Tears are irrelevant

They require energy

I can only pass time

Slowly, like the turning

Of the earth

Spins out of habit

And I cling to a past

Where hope heralded a reason

To move

Time is your enemy, now

Watch as it unfolds another minute

Sinking deeper

Into your own eyes

Closing to the rhythm 

Of the rain

Comes down in sheets now

Mocking your lack of tears

Oh, Comforter

Where is your comfort?

I never meant for it to be like this

I never meant

You have to eat the pieces

That shatter into existence

When you reflect back on yourself

Eat your own guts

Tangled in a knot

Before you can see the flowers

Rising from the rain

You have to chew your own lips

Bite your teeth

Taste your tongue

Before one second of this moment

Crashes through the sky 

To remind you

You are there

You are there

And the rhythm of your heartbeat

Lurches for a drum

Bridling desire in its own

Red essence

The forgotten throbbing of pain

It’s on days like today

Days that fling themselves into existence

Days that drum slow and sad to the melancholy

Throb of heartpain

That I think death could be as good a friend

As sleep

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Prophecy of Cancer [N-gram poem, cut-up, biogeneration]

 Prophecy of Cancer


 Rainwater dripped from relations

i pray you dream

they nurture the Cubic Sacred

to incarnate pleasure in mythology 

thinking in proteins 

 hidden beneath their numb skin . 

thriving in Her lonely innocence

as objects may blight 

their laws down

or after a meal. sustaining the esophagus 

fumbled around itself so sacrificing themselves

 shrunken to current events lay sleeping. 

can cause us to something into everything

state explanations

Have a host body as promised

Huge sums of your own vomit

Gushed from bile

Profitable prophecies

Wherein no meaning

retains its self , alone ; 

moonlight retracts an unlit cigarette that 

 third stage arises out 

Of all life exorcising itself of sameness 


This poem uses text generated from the Tolkacz bias (my own poems) from an n-gram algorithm you can find by clicking the link. It's a late-stage capitalism is cancer poem using abstract language, nonsense, unsense, computer-generated text, my own edits, my own offerings, my own desire to make it fit into something.