Sunday, April 30, 2023

Academic Poetry and the Performance of Dehumanization

 Toxic Positivity and the Pseudo-Happy Troll

Toxic positivity is a means of derailing any discussion that draws attention to social problems for the purpose of creating change. It's a means of preventing people from airing legitimate grievances, squelching their voice, and preventing dissemination. While the toxic positivity process is psychological, its impact is to preserve and protect the status quo. It achieves this along a vector of fake or performative morality and pandering to collective desires or fears. Toxic positivity is privilege protecting privilege. The troll who invokes positivity does so to shut down a conversation. The troll appeals to other forms of expression that are less powerful and less effective. This is whitewashing. 

Academic Poetry

Academic poetry is the poetry of dehumanization. I get that generalizing all academic poetry into this category is perhaps slough-minded, but I'm still not wrong about this. Contrasting slam poetry to academic poetry is telling here. The poems of slams are about individuals and their experiences. The poems of academics are about concepts and techniques. In other words, there's no place for a person in it. In fact, the more person you place in your poems, the more likely it is that academics will look down their noses at you.

So, why does this poetry last? It doesn't last at all. It simply ensures that the art of poetry won't last either at least academic poetry.

The Bard and the Minstrel

Properly, an academic's approach to poetry should be that of the archaic bards where you learn techniques, approaches, concepts, and how to write a song. The ancient bards would memorize their works, along with meters, and provide stimulation and generative concepts to create new works. In other words, the ancient bards wrote for artists.

Minstrels, on the other hand, were skilled performers who recited, sometimes wrote and performed for the public. They were artists whose primary target audience was the masses. They entertained the public through song and story. They need bards a lot more than bards need them. 

Academic poetry should be more bardic in nature and less dehumanized. Unless the performance of dehumanization is part of the poetics (and in the case of academics, it's just a style-pressure away from the common man which is absolutely classist).

The Reality of the Rulers

In order to be academic, you must be sufficiently boring so as not to be entertaining. However, I won't engage with anything that isn't enjoyable and you shouldn't either. So, very dry, dehumanized texts ought to have some sense that they are performing dehumanization and academic poetry does not. Instead, the environment evinces the image of a bundle of sticks fastened tightly together, placing poetry on a pedestal above human experience and emotion. The function, of course, is to put the academic poet on the pedestal. But poetry is harmed by the effort. 

Academic poetry is negatively defined and hence, it is just an inversion of "the poetry of the masses" or "poetry for personal consumption and entertainment".

Establishing yourself as exclusionary on this basis is classism. It doesn't matter how many bones you throw the poor or marginalized, it operates on a vector of elitism and the psychology of what is excluded makes it likely to condition sociopathy. Due to how it operates, it can only break an individual down, destroy what was there before, and rebuild it in a new image.

Academic poetry or the "academizing of poetry" makes it exclusive and exclusionary, robs poetry of a vital source of emotional energy, and makes it nearly impossible to relate to unless you have some sense of how to read the text.

The Avant-Garde

Interestingly, avant-garde artists are considered the progenitors of the new poetics. The term is drawn from the military. It's inverted. In most cases, the soldiers that were organizing the battle would be in the rear guard. The frontline assembly died first. Hence why the metaphor is inverted. The frontline assembly or avant guard were among the most disposable in an army.

The job of the avant guard poet is not to negate everything that came before, but rather to subsume it, warts and all, so that it's in a strong position to push the envelope one step further.

Ultimately, a negatively-defined poetics can only limit poetry, while an undefined poetics, offers (at the very least) the possibility that it still can move forward. Negative definitions prevent this in 100% of cases. 

Negatively Defined Poetry is the Play of Suicide

So, in order to move poetry into a space that is not limiting, we must divest ourselves of the concept of "academic" poetry.

The academic study of poetry or poetical responses to literature can all survive this philosophy. Negatively-defined approaches to poetry cannot.

We must divest ourselves of classist approaches to poetry before we can create anything unique or novel.

At present, academics have fostered a poetry that can do nothing more than strategize its own death.

When something is negatively defined, it hides its own definition and performs against itself. All performances of negatively defined poetry can be interpreted as suicide attempts.

So, the person is still there, screaming for release from an artificial prison. We just pretend otherwise.

Possession, Rejection, Beholding

James Joyce said that there are three ways to relate to an art object. The second, rejection, is the didactic or academic approach. Rejection exists to demarcate a boundary. It is by nature propertarian because it sets forth an exclusion zone.

The only possible function for rejection as a literary artform is satire.

Once they killed off satire, they killed off academic writing.

There is no academic creative writing beyond satire.

Ultimately, the performance of negatively-defined poetry culminates with its own suicide. The goal of satire is to change the audience so that the satire no longer has merit. The goal of satire is to kill off the very pressure that caused it to come into being.

In other words, the satire is there whether you like it or not.

Permissions of English: Four Short Poems

 [The Dative of Ambiguity]

English permits the confusion of doing something for a person and doing something to them allowing every burden to be disseminated by white labeling.

[Guilt Bearer Bombs]

Here, they herd with

Anyone in possession of leverage

Can crush you in a category

Force you to absorb their debt

And repay it in interest

[Songs of the Signifier]

A universe of pointed fingers

Easily broken and inverted

And I will stand like Christ

On the river of time

And walk with grace

Like no man

Like a process

Pure energy focused

On one intention:

To fill the world with pointers

And sing songs of the Word

[My Abyss Now]

When the abyss looks back

Smile, laugh, blow it a kiss

Twist its head until it splits 

From its neck

Until it begs to do my bidding

Friday, April 28, 2023

Urizenic Container Magick

 Urizenic Container Magick 

  1. Container magick

For William Blake, Urizen is the reductive analytic impulse to reduce and confine, measure and compare, divide and generalize into rules. The term Urizen evokes the concept of reason, the horizon, and a sense of otherness “your reason.” In Blake’s schema, the reasoning negative essentially hijacked the broader environment of the Albion figure’s soul and took over the whole show to become the lone eternal burdened with executive decision-making. This causes the other eternals in Blake’s system to occupy subordinated positions to this machine-logic figure. They also fall out of place in this scheme and become specters or processes meant to fulfill the will of the Urizen figure. 

Urizen’s modus operandi is containment, imprisonment, and categorization. Urizen’s role in the play of differences is to trap, confine, and stifle any new change that occurs. Urizen does this by Rule of One Law, and the establishment of one standard against which all others are judged.

Today, the play of containers is much different. While we still operate on a single standard, America is not a place where that functions properly. There’s too much difference here to create one standard. All standards in a place like America will become oppression in due time. Japan or some other homogenized culture may not have this issue or the issue would not be as big of a problem there than it is here. 

Instead, our container magick operates along a vector of corporate conglomeration. Larger companies eat up smaller ones to control a greater share of the market, which is a limited pie, but always has the opportunity to get bigger and smaller. So, it’s fixed in the now, but variable in the future. The economy is not infinite. It is always finite. Growth is related to population size. An economy that remains a fixed size while more individuals are being added to the market is contracting. Opportunities are becoming fewer. The rate of growth should be forever tied to population size. It is no good thing for an economy to rob other economies of their share. There is a price to paid when managing a limited pie, even if the pie is growing. Of course, this is an improvement over the conquest of nations, but the priority set is still ugly, built on megalomania, and destructive toward those in lesser positions of power. 

  1. Composite persons

Corporations are composite persons the same way a single individual is a composite of all of the cells of their body. It makes as little sense to see a corporation in pieces as it would to see an arm when we were looking at a person. While personhood benefits corporations in the form of First Amendment rights, it also harms the corporation which is treated as a single entity when one of their employees causes harm to another individual. The conduct of the employee imparts vicarious liability on the entire company because the company is treated as a person. 

 At some point in the history of evolution, single-celled lifeforms decided to band together forming primitive bundles in the form of jellyfish. By what impulse did they do this?

Humans too followed a similar trajectory, creating composite beings out of multi-cellular individuals in the form of governments, religions, and corporations. Often, these were conflated and mystified with gods. The genius of a country would be its patron god. Marduk was the patron god of Babylon.

Today, corporations have powers far in excess of Lovecraft's primitive octopus gods. The Eldritch Horror is that beyond personhood, corporations in this country are invested with a type of godhood. And that is worth fearing. Because the system of incentives that drives the corporate ecosystem forward is perverse and beyond the point of redemption. Power consolidates. Corporations conglomerate and contain sort of like Blake's Urizen but somehow even more horrific. 

You see how they’re all just trying to put everything under one name?

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Mysticism versus Psychosis

 Mysticism versus Psychosis

Mysticism is the practice of tactical experience from which transcendent knowledge can be gained. To the mystic, all forms of knowledge are transcendent. To the mystic, knowledge is a limit that must be pushed forward by tactical experience. 

The mystic stands on time like Christ walking on water. The goal of the mystic is to transcend time, to find truths beyond time, to know the eternal and the infinite through direct experience achieved through altered states of consciousness.

The question of whether or not mystics induce psychosis in order to see things from a novel vantage is of particular interest to someone who likes to think about mysticism and has experienced psychosis.

The major difference between a mystic and a psychotic is that the mystic is not harried by the experience. So, when mystics would deprive themselves of sleep and/or take substances to induce an altered state of consciousness, they were doing so with the intent of inducing a mystical/psychotic experience. 

Psychotics tend to have delusions related to themselves. Mystics have imaginative experiences that relate to something larger than themselves. Mystics are those who believe experience is an experiment; that their experience of the world, no matter how difficult to communicate, can be communicated using specific types of reference. Psychiatry has a term for this called “delusions of reference.” The mystic can operate in the delusional headspace while simultaneously compartmentalizing it when dealing with others. 

This requires holding two contradictory truths as equally true: Just because someone else can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real, the real is a product of the consensus delusion of the majority of others.

The mystic, ostensibly, isn’t harmed by the experience. The psychotic is, perhaps, because the psychosis lasts for too long and starts to condition the brain to think in a way that isn’t particularly helpful for living in a society of those with other notions of the real. It seems to impact executive functioning and requires a relearning of reality the longer the psychotic episode lasts. In other words, psychosis can cause brain damage.

Ultimately, the mystic can use the experience in a way that is beneficial to self and other while the psychotic harms both self and other. There may not be much more difference than that.

[The Debt Collector]

 [The Debt Collector]

  1. A debt collector buried his heart

In the backyard of the family home

-The one he went into debt for

-The one he still pays on

-The place he watched his children grow

Until they turned on him

Along with Her

Fumigated his influence

Drove his soul out of time

With his mind pacing

The trail of his Garden Path

Unzipping his memories

Until nothing but the troubling

Emptiness of loss remains

  1. What is owed here

Between the secret drama 

of having eyes 

That never cared

Till he’d poisoned his home

With obligation

Now underwater,

He still maneuvers 

Arguments into play

To see that debt repaid

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


A lot of my approach to the art of poetry is based on a “box within a box” typography I heard once in a poetry class. The poet’s name was Yi Sang; the poem was called "Supermarket"; his approach was Cubist. Shortly thereafter, I began developing a Cubist approach to writing poems. Much of this was visual and you can see it play out in the Gospel of Echo. In The Book of the Damned, the approach is more subtle; in The Devourer, it is less subtle because each poem is laid out in a textbox. The "uterus within utero" poem in TGOE is a direct homage.

For me, Cubism allowed for a subtle critique on “naming as encapsulation.” A lot of Sang’s work (as I understand it) details the cruelty of this artificial form of segmentation that undergirds even our relationship to ourselves and especially our relationship to our environment. 

In carrying forth a legacy, you want to do so without making it an awkward robbery or appropriation. Sang was already being influenced by Western writing which is how he got to Cubism. It was part of a cross-cultural exchange. What Yi Sang did with cubism is considerably more interesting than what English language poets had done up to that point.

So, Yi Sang’s work was pretty foundational to developing a Cubist poetics for the English language.

The Temporality of Fear

 Let’s assume the most primordial form of fear is fright, an immediate fear as in jumpscares. Something triggers in the amygdala and it’s strong enough to condition. But another form of fear can do the same: Dread. How do you effectively instill a sense of dread? Well, properly thought of, dread is fear projected into the future from the past. The dread must be strong enough to penetrate the merely now and go beyond in both directions at once. It has the power to condition via rejection and prevention. It has the power to penetrate the barrier between now and then or thence to create something even more terrorizing: Panic. 

[The Debtor]

1. Into the fresh compression of the debt

The daily intake of warm weeping

Creates a space around another tree

Here, the Father

Soaks the screams

Of his own effigy

And our flesh

Grafts into spirit

2. In these spaces

The soul divides and dies

Even before the body

To restore it

The heart must be entwined in thorns

A callback


3. Once the debt is paid

The purged parts rush

Into the soil to become

50 cadavers worth

Of godliness,

their Father's semen

But the price of ownership is higher now

That deed and name are inevitably sundered

And as the body dies, this debt is passed

To another The one who subsumes all debts


Bio generated while in the hospital at ECMC

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Laughter of the Capsule

Degenerated stone piers satisfy the slaver’s pressure

Enemies of voice snort in our memory

You are born to this 

Bubble of liquid mass

Disturbed enough to endure

Having a family 

and knowing 

the fate of your sons

Disorder cannot endure 

the goodness of intent

And breaks a spirit 

Near in half

With obligations

Old peak of new sorrows

Hear the frankness that blisters

Steal beams

composed by Jesuits

Who are homesick

For heaven

Our hearts can still melt

But anger here 

is where we dissolve

Our noon shadows

Useless under clouds


The Laughter of the Capsule bias = The Man Who Laughs + The King in Yellow

Thoth Poems

 You'll notice that process philosophers and magicians alike create archetypal characters to hitch their own stars to. For Nieztche, it was Zarathustra. For Spare, it was Zos. These are my foray into god-binding. Here, I use Thoth, the god of writing and magick, which means something very specific in Egyptian lore that is utterly muddied by our sense of things. 

One of the main features of the Thoth character is self-begetting. Eventually, these poems will make a book on Thoth like Nieztche's Zarathustra. 

[God of Time]

The mortal god 

may bless (--you--) re lax a tive

while I contract you all

Ob ligat ions

Blood in bloodrive scapegrace

Leaving me horns to master your fate

The pen that traces fates

Inscribes death in fire 

On human hearts

[The Secret Sayings of Thoth]

Give me the gift of your goatsong

Give me your sleight of hand

I am addicted to accumulating strategies

I am addicted to the unvoiced screams

Of the damned

Drug your eyes that I may become


Teach me your goatsong

So that I may become you

The weaver of dreams

Sews the eyelids of Verity shut

When truth is your master

You have no future

[The Gift of Thoth]

Could I drive sane men mad with an evil tool? Or fallow their souls so perfectly that they become words spit from the mouths of insects. 

Teach me your tragedy. Let me cry your tears and bewail your devils. Let me play games with words and make Time my memory. 

And when my body dies, my memory will thrive.


Yodabund + Zos + Devourer

Sunday, April 23, 2023

An Ontology of the Future

 1. The Future doesn’t exist

The future doesn’t exist, but it surely will. Our predictions of the future are related to our careful study of yesterday’s data. The future is little more than a past that hasn’t happened yet. It unfolds from the past. The now is a temporary state created by your mind to remain attentive. In this essay, the now is irrelevant. Only the future has import here. And to understand it at all, we must dredge through the past. 


The now is relevant only insofar as it demarcates past from future. The now is a past passing out of being while the future is now yet to be. Instead of “existing” the future “exists” as disarticulated abstractions forming potentialities that are “collapsed back” into seed form. For an example, Jones is a person, but is a person Jones? Potentially. We only know that the person could be Jones. Once we have a complete set of all the potential people a person could be, we have a general sense of the possible future. 


What can be known exists in knowledge. Therefore, it is the past. It is also limited. You can never dredge new knowledge just from what is known. To venture beyond what is known is to commit to the future. To know is to become stagnant. The truth has killed more dreams than God. 

4. Ontological guessing

An ontology of the future would consist of this metric:



[formally undecidable/50-50]

Once you step out of time and into the realm of potentials, you need composite objects (like Coins) that have a front and a back or are, defined by their contradiction like Heraclitus’s nature. 


Many futures compete to come into being. Not all of them will. However, the competition among futures follows the same trajectory as evolutionary selection (which is not entirely reducible to natural selection). At some point, humanity surpassed natural selection and suddenly, we started making decisions based on aesthetics.

The futures competing to come into being are yours and mine. Our futures fight against other futures in a competitive matrix of American cancel energy. Very few futures bubble beyond the surface in the cosmic froth that kills them. 


We should be more intentional about nurturing the futures of our fellow humans, less willing to cancel futures, and respect the role aesthetics plays in evolution.

Some Dance to Remember

 Oh yes, I re


I re




And every time

It becomes easier

To blister it through

The coughing hearts

Of the men and women

Who gave birth

To a mirthless process


I am the dance

But not the dancer

I am the dancer who forgets

The dance

I forget on purpose

Like that can work

Like I'm not just burying it


Like I’m not digging this hole

For me

I forget the dance

I forget the choreographer

I forget the choreography

I become the danced.

(for Joy Harjo)

[The Yodabund Legacy]

 [The Yodabund Legacy]

The authorship of moonlight fell out — no state applicable state. showed them leaping about bearing witness to this author’s bliss. bring me to speak through I darted along the countryside until the Maid of Manners, an apostate of cardness, issued an epistle of frankness, inaccurate along a damaged disk of renal preaching. Overlord of anywhere. Jack nodded gravely feeling the strength of yellow light.

 singular attitude of provision for when we staggered along our axes we bore wheels without notice.

Repeating to grind

I should cure them of this world

Perched in overwide gestures

Of creeping insult

And utter contempt

For this life


Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Sherezer Ebenezer Etiology

 Olympas , Amasa wallowed in Jattir , 

Mithredath the bars of Zoba , 

But where they may rent physicians

current money should touch his ten camels 

her parents were fiery stream of impotent 

spit on the pitcher of Phanuel 

Again Esther? shewed before Jerusalem 

dwelt on Babylon and saluted Elisabeth 

against Jeroboam, the reaper 

delighting in pretence , Bukki his violent perverting 

 wasted him openly 

DIE, Ebenezer

DIE, Prince of Buttons

DIE, KAKU Pockets, 

goddess of ropes and snares

Your yeast has ripened of the pit and grown forlorn

Your peameal beans are no longer clean

I bequeath thee with the folly of my question 

For greater nigh unto your lowliest nun

Shall subjugate herself before my endless imperfection!
Go ye-Shitlord from this canine paradise 

And feast upon the dung of your brothers.


KJV bias and inspired by Fallen (1998) with Denzel Washington.