Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Demoralizing Poem [spoken word, biogenerated]

 A Demoralizing Poem

Show me a demoralizing poem. I’m sick of being inspired. I’ve had just about all the inspiration I can stomach for one lifetime. I want to wallow in something hopeless. Give me death or give me liberty (at least) from flower poems and self-actualization. I want Sylvia Plath to rip my heart out. Show me the depravity of this world. The shocking cruelty of it all. The base nature that can erupt from each and every one of us given the proper circumstances. Show me our ravenous greed. I want truth, not beauty. Those who confuse beauty and truth become fascists. Always appealing to a singular standard. Always reducing everyone to an ideal.

If you’re not familiar, let me welcome you to the truth. The world is filled with passive order followers who will torture and murder on the word of authority. Fuck human nature and anything that glorifies it. Show me some self-loathing to build character. Fuck your confidence. It’s overrated. Wallow in agony and I’ll see your truth. 

Whatever doesn’t kill you

Brings you closer to death

& closer still

We fall into survival processing

Anxiety-driven impulses

That drive up our blood pressure

Leading to heart failure

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