Monday, March 6, 2023

The Devourer (Book)

 The Devourer is a book of poems and art. Many of the poems were previously published on this blog. However, when they're collected in a book, they can reflect back on one another and create resonance. In order to help this process along, I saved an NGRAM bias of the poems already selected into the collection and used that bias to generate the rest of them.

In this case, it creates an effect where metaphors are introduced before they are elaborated. But also, this allows them to be built up. The Letheberries poem deviates from a self-imposed moratorium on foodstuffs, but it seemed excusable in the context of addiction. I also felt it relevant to the themes of the text.

The idea for the Devourer began here. As with most of my work, it comes with a content warning as it explores the deep dark chasm of ancient religion, demonic figures, and social standards that cause an almost unimaginable amount of harm. And yet they're ours and we've inherited them and forced them upon others. So we ought to scrutinize them. So, I do.

Lastly, I'll be looking for a place to publish it in print for print copies, but I'm still exploring that option. Copies it does not cost money to produce, such as the one above, are distributed for free on this blog. Download link.

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