Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Script

 No metaphor is quite as potent for me as "the script". It's a tri-figured metaphor that carries the entirety of every reference it subsumes. In this case, there are three senses of the "script" and each one is integral to the poetry you'll find on these blogs. 

  1. The script as a sequence of instructions in code, or program, computer code, or simply script. It's a machine.
  2. The script as in a play. The script is a blueprint for producing a play. It is a template on which all future performances will be based. It is as perfect a blueprint as you can conceive. The play exists outside of time and is incarnated into a performance.
  3. The script as in a prescription. The prescription, following Fish, treats language as a drug that is meant to provoke some kind of wellness, to restore a person to a state of wellness, or to remove an illness. 
Within the English word "script" is a composite metaphor that is about as perfect for writers as I can imagine and it's heavily influenced every aspect of my construction process. 

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