Thursday, March 16, 2023

Data Alignment/Similarity/Difference

It's not a secret anymore that my approach to poetics is confusion. But, it's a very intentional confusion and a confusion that gets consistent results. What do I mean? The concept of data alignment in computer programming refers to a system of aligning variables such that you do not need to take a circuitous route to get to them. 

In other words, you want to make the call in as few steps as possible. This requires some forethought, but it improves speed, reduces the number of steps, and is ultimately necessary in the economy of the processor. 

In brain terms, I think the same thing can be accomplished, but it's very difficult to describe or explain. It operates easier by demonstration.

What my poetics is concerned with, beyond Blake, is a kind of data alignment that produces better thinking. In other words, when we're thinking about a processor, we still want to be thinking about an "economy". But we also want to think about the unique characteristics of the processor and all the differences between a human economy and the limited processing space of a computer. Some of the same rules will apply, of course, because economics is interested in how finite resources are managed. Resource management is an aspect of the computer too. We can therefore apply some optimization techniques to the economy that work on the processor.

That is fundamentally the type of thinking that I want to advocate for.

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